Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Penny Drive

The other day, I ran across a baggie full of pennies.

Did you know a penny now costs more than a penny to make? Made me think that good citizenship calls for them to be returned to circulation.

And, what if everyone took their baggie of pennies--or cleaned out the change in their misc. drawer--and put it to work for a good cause? All those forgotten coins could do something good--maybe something big!

So, we're challenging our friends and neighbors to liberate their loose change.

We're gathering ours to donate to the Salvation Army Red Kettle. If you'd like to join us, we'll have a bucket and a bell at our open house on December 3. Drop something in the bucket and ring the bell!

If you can't make it (or would like a receipt), we're also hosting an online Red Kettle--just click the "2006 Red Kettle Penny Drive" link under "some of my favorite websites" (to the left and below).

Thank you!

Saturday, November 25, 2006


Leaving Sam's Club, DH and I just saw our first Salvation Army red kettle of the holidays. So, Christmas is officially on its way!

I just love putting something in the red kettle, every time we see one. That may be the very best part of the holidays for me.

Some days, when we're on our way out of the 5th or 6th store with a red kettle, DH will gently say "Sweetie, we *did* put something in on the way in. . ." That's when I remind him that, while many women in Texas ask for diamonds for Christmas, I just want another dollar bill for the red kettle. . . into the kettle it goes, and we're on our way.

Hey, ever since I was little, I've always put something in each red kettle I saw AND I've always been basically happy. Mess with a winning system? I don't think so!

Monday, November 20, 2006

When all you can do is pray

Six-year-old Sydney is the little sister of my nieces' good friend and classmate. She has been battling a type of leukemia since May, enduring several rounds of chemotherapy and lung surgery in the process.

This afternoon, the doctors gave the family devastating news. Three think it's time to make her comfortable and prepare for her death. The head doctor thinks they should try the bone marrow transplant, if the donor can arrive in time.

After prayer and counseling, Sydney's family has decided to try for the transplant. They have asked for prayers for a miracle for Sydney.

And so, we pray. . .

Saturday, November 11, 2006

My DH rocks!

He fixed the watermark! Yes, it's *good* to be married to a geek. . .

Friday, November 10, 2006

*snarl, snarl, growl, growl*

Dear Copyright Police:

As the time stamps show, I have been trying really hard to watermark my Loose Moose card below with this copyright/crafter notice:

Images © Stampin’ UP!®
Crafted by Holly Podkowa

Bad News: I'm not geek-y enough to figure it out. Good News: My DH is. I promise to get him to teach me over the weekend.

Moose on the Loose!

I'm working on open house invitations. Wanted something warm and cozy--and easy! The obvious answer: Moose. And flannel.

Showed this to my stamping friends yesterday, and one of them told me there was actually a moose loose on the freeway in her town today (Twin Cities, not north Texas).

Coincidence? I think not.

Here moosey moosey moosey! Here moosey moosey moose!